Fidyah |
Getting to Know Fidyah: Understanding and How to Do It
Basically, Allah Ta'ala requires fasting for all Muslims in the month of Ramadan and done directly for those who do not have excuses such as illness and travel or with qadha 'for those who are unable to do it. For those who have an excuse and there is a possibility that the excuse will disappear after Ramadan, then fasting is done by making up for it.
However, for Muslims who are no longer able to fast like the elderly and sick people who have no hope of getting better, Allah gives them relief by feeding the poor in exchange for fasting, which is called fidyah. This is based on the words of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala: لَى الَّذِينَ امُ "And it is obligatory for those who find it difficult (if they do not fast) to pay fidyah, (ie): to feed a poor person." (Surat al-Baqarah: 184) However, there is a problem that is felt by Muslims who are unable to fast in the month of Ramadan, namely how to pay the fidyah. There are those who say that it is permissible to pay according to the nominal price of our food for one serving multiplied by the number of fasts that must be replaced, others who suggest feeding the poor as much as 1 mud (1.25 kilograms of cerealia, such as wheat, rice and others). Paying fidyah is determined based on the number of days left for fasting. Every 1 day a person leaves fasting, then he is obliged to pay fidyah to 1 poor person. While the technical implementation, whether you want it per day or all at once a month, returns to the breadth of each person. If someone is comfortable giving fidyah every day, please do it. On the other hand, if it is more convenient to give it all at once for a month of fasting, go ahead. The important thing is the amount of the dose is not less than what has been determined. So it can be concluded that fidyah is only given to the poor such as zakat fitrah.
The amount of fidyah and the person who is obliged to do it
According to Muhammad saw, the form of fidyah in the form of food, usually is a staple food which in each country is different from one another. Staple food can be in the form of ready-to-eat or only raw materials, both are allowed, because there are no special binding rules.
Fidyah Size
As for the size of the fidyah, how much must be issued, the scholars have different views. Here is the explanation: One Mud Some scholars such as Imam As-Shafi'I, Imam Malik and Imam An-Nawawi stipulate that the size of the fidyah that must be paid to every 1 poor person is 1 mud of wheat according to the size of the Prophet's mud. The meaning of mud is the palm of the hand that is raised upwards to accommodate food (similar to people praying). Mud is a term that refers to a measure of volume, not a measure of weight. In the book of Al-Fiqhul Islami Wa Adillatuhu it is stated that when measured by today's measurements, 1 mud is equivalent to 675 grams or 0.688 liters. Two Mud or Half Sha' Some other scholars such as Abu Hanifah argue that sha' or 2 muds of wheat with the size of the Prophet's mud, or equivalent to half a sha' of dates or flour. It is equivalent to giving lunch and dinner until one poor person is full. Some scholars who are about sha' weigh 1.5 kg of staple food. It has been stated in the fatwa of Lajnah Daimah: "Whenever a doctor decides that a person's illness due to not fasting cannot be expected to be cured, then he may not fast and is obliged to feed 1 poor person every day in the amount of half a sha' of the staple food of a country. like dates or anything else, if you have fed a poor person a certain number of days left then it is sufficient.” One Sha' This is the opinion of the Hanafis, such as Imam Al-Kasani in Bada'i'i wa As-Shana'i'. One sha 'is equivalent to 4 mud, equal to the amount of zakat fitrah paid. When weighed, 1 sha' weighs 2,176 grams. When measured by volume, 1 sha' is equivalent to 2.75 liters. From the differences of scholars above, the minimum fidyah level is one mud, but the most important thing is that we spend half a sha' or give one portion of cooked food to every poor person. So, who has the obligation to pay the fidyah? Check out the following description:
People Who Have to Pay Fidyah
The following are people who have to pay fidyah, because they cannot fast: People who are sick and generally determined to be difficult to recover, Elderly or weak who are no longer strong enough to fast, Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding when fasting are worried about the child they are carrying or breastfeeding. They are obliged to pay only fidyah according to some scholars, but according to Imam Shafi'i, apart from being obliged to pay fidyah, they are also obliged to make up their fast. Meanwhile, according to another opinion, it does not pay fidyah but it is enough to make up '. People who postpone the obligation to make up the fast of Ramadan without a syar'i excuse until the next year's Ramadan has approached. They are obliged to make up for it as well as pay fidyah, according to some scholars.
Time, Form, and Method of Payment of Fidyah
The essence of paying fidyah is to replace the 1 day of fasting left by feeding 1 poor person. However, the payment model can be implemented in 2 ways: Cooking or making food, then inviting the poor for a number of days left during the month of Ramadan, as Anas bin Malik Radhiallahu 'Anhu did when he reached old age and could no longer fast as described in the following hadith: "That he could not fast for a year then he made a large tray of porridge and invited thirty poor people and filled them. (Narrated by Ad-Daruquthni and authenticated by Sheikh Al-Albani in the book of Irwa '." Giving the poor in the form of uncooked food. However, it should also be given something to serve as a side dish. If you or have a relative who is obliged to pay fidyah, the payment time is determined as described below: Fidyah Payment Time A person can pay fidyah, on the same day when he does not fast. Or ended up until the last day of the month of Ramadan, as did Anas bin Malik's friend when he was old. What should not be carried out is the fidyah payment made before Ramadan. For example: There is a sick person whose recovery cannot be expected anymore, then when the month of Sha'ban has come, he has already paid fidyah. So, something like this is not allowed. He must wait until the month of Ramadan has really entered, then he can pay fidyah on that day or it can be piled up at the end of Ramadan.
Fidyah with Money
According to KH Arwani Faishal, Deputy Chairperson of the Bahtsul Mas'ail Institute PBNU: "Fidyah is a substitute for an abandoned worship, in the form of a number of food given to the poor. By observing the definition and purpose of fidyah which is compensation to the poor, it is permissible to give fidyah in the form of money. Because if the poor person has enough food, then it is better to give fidyah in the form of money, so that it can be used for other purposes”. Many scholars require that food be issued according to the Qur'an, but the Hanafi school allows paying for its value. It is better to take the opinion of the majority of scholars, unless issuing a fidyah of its value is more beneficial, then it is permissible. So it can be concluded that the fidyah obligation may be carried out by replacing money, if it is more useful. However, if the money is going to be used for extravagance, then it is obligatory to give it in the form of staple foods After you understand the fidyah provisions above, then the last part of this article will explain how to pay fidyah:
How to Pay Fidyah
Fidyah is given to the poor according to the number of days left, namely one fidyah for one day for one poor and the giving can be done at once. For example, if we leave fasting for 30 days, we only need to pay 30 portions of food to 30 poor people. It can also be given only to 1 poor person for 30 days. As for the provision of giving the entire fidyah to only 1 poor, some scholars forbid it, but Imam Nawawi rahimahullah in the book Al-Majmu 'allows it. Likewise, Al Mawardi said, "It is okay to issue fidyah to one poor person at a time. There is no dispute among the scholars."
Follow the Most Preferred Way
It is true that discussing the issue of fidyah there are some differences from the scholars regarding the amount and method of payment. You should follow the most important or most recommended by the scholars. Is this the best? Wallahu Ta'ala A'lam.
However, for Muslims who are no longer able to fast like the elderly and sick people who have no hope of getting better, Allah gives them relief by feeding the poor in exchange for fasting, which is called fidyah. This is based on the words of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala: لَى الَّذِينَ امُ "And it is obligatory for those who find it difficult (if they do not fast) to pay fidyah, (ie): to feed a poor person." (Surat al-Baqarah: 184) However, there is a problem that is felt by Muslims who are unable to fast in the month of Ramadan, namely how to pay the fidyah. There are those who say that it is permissible to pay according to the nominal price of our food for one serving multiplied by the number of fasts that must be replaced, others who suggest feeding the poor as much as 1 mud (1.25 kilograms of cerealia, such as wheat, rice and others). Paying fidyah is determined based on the number of days left for fasting. Every 1 day a person leaves fasting, then he is obliged to pay fidyah to 1 poor person. While the technical implementation, whether you want it per day or all at once a month, returns to the breadth of each person. If someone is comfortable giving fidyah every day, please do it. On the other hand, if it is more convenient to give it all at once for a month of fasting, go ahead. The important thing is the amount of the dose is not less than what has been determined. So it can be concluded that fidyah is only given to the poor such as zakat fitrah.
The amount of fidyah and the person who is obliged to do it
According to Muhammad saw, the form of fidyah in the form of food, usually is a staple food which in each country is different from one another. Staple food can be in the form of ready-to-eat or only raw materials, both are allowed, because there are no special binding rules.
Fidyah Size
As for the size of the fidyah, how much must be issued, the scholars have different views. Here is the explanation: One Mud Some scholars such as Imam As-Shafi'I, Imam Malik and Imam An-Nawawi stipulate that the size of the fidyah that must be paid to every 1 poor person is 1 mud of wheat according to the size of the Prophet's mud. The meaning of mud is the palm of the hand that is raised upwards to accommodate food (similar to people praying). Mud is a term that refers to a measure of volume, not a measure of weight. In the book of Al-Fiqhul Islami Wa Adillatuhu it is stated that when measured by today's measurements, 1 mud is equivalent to 675 grams or 0.688 liters. Two Mud or Half Sha' Some other scholars such as Abu Hanifah argue that sha' or 2 muds of wheat with the size of the Prophet's mud, or equivalent to half a sha' of dates or flour. It is equivalent to giving lunch and dinner until one poor person is full. Some scholars who are about sha' weigh 1.5 kg of staple food. It has been stated in the fatwa of Lajnah Daimah: "Whenever a doctor decides that a person's illness due to not fasting cannot be expected to be cured, then he may not fast and is obliged to feed 1 poor person every day in the amount of half a sha' of the staple food of a country. like dates or anything else, if you have fed a poor person a certain number of days left then it is sufficient.” One Sha' This is the opinion of the Hanafis, such as Imam Al-Kasani in Bada'i'i wa As-Shana'i'. One sha 'is equivalent to 4 mud, equal to the amount of zakat fitrah paid. When weighed, 1 sha' weighs 2,176 grams. When measured by volume, 1 sha' is equivalent to 2.75 liters. From the differences of scholars above, the minimum fidyah level is one mud, but the most important thing is that we spend half a sha' or give one portion of cooked food to every poor person. So, who has the obligation to pay the fidyah? Check out the following description:
People Who Have to Pay Fidyah
The following are people who have to pay fidyah, because they cannot fast: People who are sick and generally determined to be difficult to recover, Elderly or weak who are no longer strong enough to fast, Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding when fasting are worried about the child they are carrying or breastfeeding. They are obliged to pay only fidyah according to some scholars, but according to Imam Shafi'i, apart from being obliged to pay fidyah, they are also obliged to make up their fast. Meanwhile, according to another opinion, it does not pay fidyah but it is enough to make up '. People who postpone the obligation to make up the fast of Ramadan without a syar'i excuse until the next year's Ramadan has approached. They are obliged to make up for it as well as pay fidyah, according to some scholars.
Time, Form, and Method of Payment of Fidyah
The essence of paying fidyah is to replace the 1 day of fasting left by feeding 1 poor person. However, the payment model can be implemented in 2 ways: Cooking or making food, then inviting the poor for a number of days left during the month of Ramadan, as Anas bin Malik Radhiallahu 'Anhu did when he reached old age and could no longer fast as described in the following hadith: "That he could not fast for a year then he made a large tray of porridge and invited thirty poor people and filled them. (Narrated by Ad-Daruquthni and authenticated by Sheikh Al-Albani in the book of Irwa '." Giving the poor in the form of uncooked food. However, it should also be given something to serve as a side dish. If you or have a relative who is obliged to pay fidyah, the payment time is determined as described below: Fidyah Payment Time A person can pay fidyah, on the same day when he does not fast. Or ended up until the last day of the month of Ramadan, as did Anas bin Malik's friend when he was old. What should not be carried out is the fidyah payment made before Ramadan. For example: There is a sick person whose recovery cannot be expected anymore, then when the month of Sha'ban has come, he has already paid fidyah. So, something like this is not allowed. He must wait until the month of Ramadan has really entered, then he can pay fidyah on that day or it can be piled up at the end of Ramadan.
Fidyah with Money
According to KH Arwani Faishal, Deputy Chairperson of the Bahtsul Mas'ail Institute PBNU: "Fidyah is a substitute for an abandoned worship, in the form of a number of food given to the poor. By observing the definition and purpose of fidyah which is compensation to the poor, it is permissible to give fidyah in the form of money. Because if the poor person has enough food, then it is better to give fidyah in the form of money, so that it can be used for other purposes”. Many scholars require that food be issued according to the Qur'an, but the Hanafi school allows paying for its value. It is better to take the opinion of the majority of scholars, unless issuing a fidyah of its value is more beneficial, then it is permissible. So it can be concluded that the fidyah obligation may be carried out by replacing money, if it is more useful. However, if the money is going to be used for extravagance, then it is obligatory to give it in the form of staple foods After you understand the fidyah provisions above, then the last part of this article will explain how to pay fidyah:
How to Pay Fidyah
Fidyah is given to the poor according to the number of days left, namely one fidyah for one day for one poor and the giving can be done at once. For example, if we leave fasting for 30 days, we only need to pay 30 portions of food to 30 poor people. It can also be given only to 1 poor person for 30 days. As for the provision of giving the entire fidyah to only 1 poor, some scholars forbid it, but Imam Nawawi rahimahullah in the book Al-Majmu 'allows it. Likewise, Al Mawardi said, "It is okay to issue fidyah to one poor person at a time. There is no dispute among the scholars."
Follow the Most Preferred Way
It is true that discussing the issue of fidyah there are some differences from the scholars regarding the amount and method of payment. You should follow the most important or most recommended by the scholars. Is this the best? Wallahu Ta'ala A'lam.
Fidyah Siyam - Per Day - Per Person
SGD 5.00
Fidyah is a fee that is paid to recompensate the missed days of the worship of fasting. Fidyah payment is made when someone is ill with no hope of recovery or of old age. A muslim who cannot fast for the required number of days in Ramadhan and will not be able to make up for the fast, should feed a poor person for each day of fast missed.
Fidyah Siyam - 30 Days - 30 people
SGD 150.00
Fidyah is a fee that is paid to recompensate the missed days of the worship of fasting. Fidyah payment is made when someone is ill with no hope of recovery or of old age. A muslim who cannot fast for the required number of days in Ramadhan and will not be able to make up for the fast, should feed a poor person for each day of fast missed.