How does the law combine Qurban and Aqiqah? Is it allowed?
The scholars on this issue have different opinions. Shaykh 'Abdullah bin' Abdirrahman Al Jibrin rahimahullah was asked, "If the time for akikah falls on Eid al-Adha, is it legal to carry out akikah and Qurban at the same time with one Qurban? How is the intention? " He replied, "It cannot be combined between the intention of Qurban and akikah. What must be done is to slaughter one or two goats individually. I cannot combine it with qurban. Because akikah and Qurban each have their own causes and time relations. Between akikah and Qurban can be done in the field or in a narrow time. Qurban is made on the day of Eid al-Adha or tasyriq day. Even more afdhol, the qurbani shohibul eats 1/3 of it, gives 1/3 of it, and gives 1/3 of it. While akikah is done on the seventh day of birth. If you miss the seventh day, you can do it on the 14th day. If you can't on that day, then on the 21st day. Best of all, the ceremony is held like a walimah by inviting relatives and friends to pray for the newborn. However, if you are in an emergency condition to slaughter a Qurban and Aqiqah at one time, then it is permissible because both of these practices are sunnah. The virtue of Qurban is greater than the virtue of akikah. "[1] Sayyid Sabiq said, "Ulama Hambali argues that if you meet between the day of nahr (Eid al-Adha) and the day of akikah, it is permissible to suffice with one slaughter as it is enough to take a bath if you meet on Eid and Friday." [2] However, if you have the space for sustenance, separating the Qurban and akikah is better. If you are in difficult conditions, choosing Imam Ahmad's opinion to combine it is more important. Allah knows best. Only Allah gives taufik. [2] Fiqh Sunnah, 3: 33. |