In Arabic the word aqiqah means cutting, but it is also often interpreted as an animal to be slaughtered. In addition, some scholars also interpret aqiqah as the process of shaving a newborn's hair on the seventh, fourteenth or twenty-first day after birth. In essence, according to the term, aqiqah is the slaughter of animals which is usually done after a newborn or when he shaves his hair for the first time on the seventh, fourteen or twenty-first day. The animals that are slaughtered during the ritual are goats or sheep.
The law of carrying out Aqiqah is sunah muakkadah or it is emphasized that the process is very important, if Muslims who perform this worship have the ability and space for wealth. From Samuroh bin Jundub, the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, "Every child is mortgaged according to his akikah, is slain for him on the seventh day, has his hair shaved and given a name." (Narrated by Abu Daud no. 2838, An Nasai no. 4220, Ibn Majah nil. 3165, Ahmad 5/12. Shaykh Al Albani said that this hadith is authentic). What if Aqiqah missed the Seventh Day? The Malikiyah scholars argue that aqiqah will fall if it is missed from the seventh day. Meanwhile, the Ulama Hambali argued that if you missed the seventh day, the ritual could be carried out on the fourteenth day and if not on the fourteenth day it could be on the twenty-first day. And Syafi'iyah scholars say that aqiqah is still the responsibility of the father until the time the child reaches puberty. If you are an adult, I will die. However, children have the choice to marry themselves. See Al Mawsu'ah Al Fiqhiyyah, 30: 279. The author of the book Mughnil Muhtaj, Asy Syarbini rahimahullah said, "If you have reached the age of adulthood, let the child taqiqah themselves to find those who have missed." (Mughnil Muhtaj, 4: 391). Aqiqah When Adults Shaykh Muhammad bin Sholih Al 'Uthaimin rahimahullah said, "The law of aqiqah is of sunnah mu'akkad for those who are able (to have property). Aqiqah for boys with two goats while for girls with one goat. If it is sufficient to provide a goat for a boy, that is also allowed. The suggestion to carry out the worship is the responsibility of the father (who bears the breadth of the child). If when the time is recommended for aqiqah, which is on the seventh day of birth and the parents are in a state of poverty (incapacity), then he is not ordered to do so. Because Allah Ta'ala said (which means), "Fear Allah as much as you can" (Surah At Taghobun: 16). But if when the time is recommended for marriage, the parents are well off, then marriage is still an order for the father, not the mother and not the child. " (Liqo-at Al Bab Al Maftuh, Shaykh Muhammad bin Sholih Al 'Utsaimin, cassette 214, no. 6) Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the sunnah of implementing aqiqah will fail when it is an adult. There is no Hadith that supports or commands one to carry out the ritual when we are adults. Essentially Aqiqah is the responsibility of the parents and not the child. And if you want to continue to carry out the ritual when you grow up, it will still be the responsibility of your parents. Judging whether at birth, parents are in a state of being able or not. If you are unable at that time, then there is no need for aqiqah because it is not compelling. If they are able at that time, then let the parents fulfill aqiqah for their children. Wallahua'alam Bisahwab ... For an affordable and reliable Aqiqah Service go to |