What is read when slaughtering aqiqah? Is it also prescribed to present a baby when aqiqah is slaughtered?
What is prescribed when aqiqah is the same as that which is stated at qurban. There is a reading guide:
أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: عق عن الحسن والحسين شاتين يوم السابع وأمر أن يماط عن رأسه الأذى وقال اذبحوا على اسمه وقولوا بسم الله والله أكبر اللهم لك وإليك هذه عقيقة فلان That the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- wished to taqiqahi Al-Hasan and Al-Husain with two goats on the seventh day, and ordered that his head be shaved. Then he said, slaughter in his name, say, "Bismillah wallahu akbar. Allahumma laka wa ilaik. Hadzihi aqiqah fulan. " (In the name of Allah, Allah is Great. O Allah, this is yours and for You. This is aqiqah for the so-called. " In the history of Ibn Abi Syaibah in his mushannaf, as in qurban (udhiyah) it is read bismillah, then in aqiqah it is also read, "Bismillah, 'aqiqah fulan (called the baby's name, pen.)." Not only say a special prayer to the baby on aqiqah slaughter, but also should praise and thank Allah for the gift of the child that has been given. Please pray for blessings for the baby. Take the example of Al-Hasan Al-Basri ... Al-Hasan Al-Basri once taught someone about the words of someone who just got a baby: "Barokallahu laka fil mawhuubi laka wa syakarta al waahib, wa balagho asyuddahu, wa ruziqta birrohu" (May Allah bless you with the child given to you. May you also be grateful to the Giver, and he can reach adulthood, and you will be blessed with his kindness). It is not a requirement to present a baby when slaughtering aqiqah. Because none of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and the companions of radhiyallahu' anhum gave such an example. |