What is the ruling and wisdom that it is discouraged to cut nails and hair during qurban?Shaykh Prof. Dr. Muhammad Az-Zuhaily in Al-Mu'tamad fii Al-Fiqh Ash-Shafii (2:487):
"Those who intend (desire) to sacrifice when entering 1 Dzulhijjah, let him not shave the hair of the head, face, or body. Likewise, he should not cut his nails. The suggestion was sunnahuntil the sacrificial animal is slaughtered. The evidence that underlies this is a hadith from Umm Salamah radhiyallahu 'anha, that the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, انَ لَهُ يَذْبَحُهُ فَإِذَا لَّ لاَلُ الحِجَّةِ، لاَ لاَ ارِهِ ا . "Whoever has a slaughtered animal and has entered the beginning of Dzulhijjah, let him not cut the hair and nails at all until the animal is sacrificed." (HR. Muslim, no. 1977) However, the command not to cut hair and nails is not mandatory. The prohibition is not to the degree that it is unlawful. The prohibition includes makruh tanzih. The wisdom of not cutting nails and hair is so that this part remains so that it becomes complete deliverance from hell. There are also scholars who argue, the wisdom of the prohibition is because this qurban worship has a similar part to a person who is muhrim (berihram for Hajj or Umrah). This is an excerpt from Al-Mu'tamad. What needs to be emphasized here is that the context of the hadith above is aimed at people who make sacrifices, not everyone. For a person who does not sacrifice, it does not matter if he will cut his hair, |