From when is the seventh day counted? Is it from the day of birth or the day after?
It is stated in Al-Mawsu'ah Al-Fiqhiyah (30: 278), “The majority of scholars of fiqh are of the view that the time of day on the day of birth is the beginning of a count of seven days. Meanwhile, night time does not count if the baby is born at night, but it will be counted the next day. " For example, if a baby is born on Monday (21/06), at six in the morning, then the count of the seventh day starts to be counted on Monday. So that the baby's aqiqah was carried out on Sunday (27/06). If the baby is born on Monday (21/06), at six in the afternoon, the initial count does not start from Monday, but starts on the following Tuesday. So that the baby's aqiqah on Monday (28/06). Imam Nawawi rahimahullah stated, "It is Sunnah to slaughter aqiqah on the seventh day of birth. Do birthdays count as seventh? Here are two opinions as mentioned by Ash-Syasyi and other scholars. The most authentic opinion is that the day of birth is counted, so that the number of days of slaughtering aqiqah is six days after birth. The second opinion states that the day of birth is not included in the count, so the slaughter of aqiqah is carried out seven days after birth. This second opinion is mentioned in the book Al-Buyuthi. However, the opinion chosen in the Shafi'i school is the first opinion, that is what is meant by textual hadith. If the baby is born at night, then the aqiqah time starts counting from the day after birth. This is not in dispute as stated by Al-Buyuthi. Even though he mentioned that birthdays don't count as seven days. " (Al-Majmu ', 8: 250) The hadith that supports the above opinion is the hadith, عن سمرة بن جندب أن رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- قال كل غلام رهينة بعقيقته تذبح عنه يوم سابعه ويحلق ويسمى From Samuah ibn Jundub, the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, "Every child is mortgaged with his aqiqah, is slaughtered for him on the seventh day, has his hair shaved and given a name." (Narrated by Abu Daud no. 2838, An-Nasai no. 4225, Ibn Majah no. 3165, Ahmad 5: 12. Al-Hafizh Abu Thahir said that this hadith is authentic). The day referred to is the daytime. For Affordable Aqiqah in Singapore go to |